1. Hotel
  2. Grèce
  3. Corfou
  4. Ostria Apartments Sidari

Ostria Apartments Sidari

Sidari Sidari Sidari, Grèce

Infos sur l'hébergement


Ostria Apartments Sidari lies in a tranquil green valley in the beautiful island of Corfu. Guests can enjoy the onsite swimming pool with its poolside bar. A children’s pool and playground are also onsite. The reception is open 24 hours a day and Wi-Fi internet access is available throughout the property. The hotel features a large car parking space. The complex is located a few minutes from the center of Sidari. Sidari Beach and Canala D’Amour are close to the property. Logas Beach and Cape Drastis are also within easy reach. Guest rooms are equipped with TV, air conditioning, refrigerator, coffee maker and safe deposit box. Bathrooms are fitted with hairdryers. Guests can enjoy exceptional Greek meals and a wide variety of drinks at the pool side bar.

#Ostria Apartments Sidari lies in a tranquil green valley in the beautiful island of Corfu. Guests can enjoy the onsite swimming pool with its poolside bar. A children’s pool and playground are also onsite. The reception is open 24 hours a day and Wi-Fi internet access is available throughout the property. The hotel features a large car parking space. The complex is located a few minutes from the center of Sidari. Sidari Beach and Canala D’Amour are close to the property. Logas Beach and Cape Drastis are also within easy reach. Guest rooms are equipped with TV, air conditioning, refrigerator, coffee maker and safe deposit box. Bathrooms are fitted with hairdryers. Guests can enjoy exceptional Greek meals and a wide variety of drinks at the pool side bar.

Company Name: CFU - MTS Incoming Greece - Corfu


Fri 7 Mar
Mon 10 Mar
Voyageurs / Chambres
2 voyageurs, 1 chambre
Pièce 1
Ajouter un enfant
Âge lors du voyage
Bébé, 0-11 mois
Bébé, 12-23 mois
2 ans
3 ans
4 ans
5 ans
6 ans
7 ans
8 ans
9 ans
10 ans
11 ans
Fri 7 Mar
Mon 10 Mar
March 2025
Prix approximatifs en EUR pour 1 nuit

Choisissez hébergement et formule

Résumé du voyage

Fri, 7 Mar - Mon, 10 Mar
2 voyageurs, 1 chambre

Vous pourriez également être intéressé par

Services de Ostria Apartments Sidari

Les plus populaires
  • Bar
  • Pool

  • Bar
  • Pool

Questions fréquentes sur Ostria Apartments Sidari

Quelle est l'heure d'arrivée et de départ de Ostria Apartments Sidari ?

Arrivée : Fri 7 Mar
Départ : Mon 10 Mar

Quelle est la distance entre l'hébergement et l'aéroport ?

Ostria Apartments Sidari est à 26.74km de l'aéroport Corfou Kerikira.

Ostria Apartments Sidari accepte-t-il les animaux domestiques ?

Non, Ostria Apartments Sidari n'accepte pas les animaux domestiques.

Quelle est la politique d'annulation de Ostria Apartments Sidari ?

Les conditions d'annulation et de prépaiement varient selon le type d'hébergement. Veuillez vérifier quelles conditions s'appliquent à chaque option lors de votre sélection.

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